
UL Podcast #253: Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools (Tyler Staton)

podcast prayer prayer practice relationship with god May 15, 2023

I talk with a lot of leaders, and one of the issues that a lot of them wrestle with is their life of prayer. It often feels a lot easier to do something for God rather than talking with God. But God, as the good Father that he is, wants us to enjoy his presence first, and then join him in his good work in the world. We were made for friendship, and staying relationally present is how that grows. 


So I’m especially glad to share my this conversation with Tyler Staton about his book Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools

Tyler Staton is the Lead Pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, OR, and the National Director of 24-7 Prayer USA. He is passionate about pursuing prayer in the honest realities of day-to-day life. Tyler is also the author of Searching for Enough: The High Wire Walk Between Doubt and Faith. He lives in Portland with his wife Kirsten and their three sons.


You can connect with Tyler on Instagram.