Become a leader who cares for souls—beginning with your own.

I'm ready!

Receive the wisdom, skills, and tools you need to lead, coach and mentor

…soulfully and sustainably.

Strengthen the connection between your own soul's formation and your leadership.

Are you ready to stop leading from an ever-emptying cup?

Deepen your core values and refresh your spiritual leadership toolkit. 

Become a leader who cares for souls—beginning with your own.

I'm ready!
does this sound familiar?

You want to engage your leadership with more intention & presence, but:

  • You can’t find a mentor to help guide the way

  • You don’t have the skills to lead formationally

  • You feel distracted by all your current demands

Maybe you even know you need to prioritize the care of your own soul, but:

  • You're feeling unfocused  or overwhelmed

  • You don't believe you have the time to devote to these practices

  • You don’t yet see the connection between your soul and your leadership

You know you could be leading with more focus and heart...

But you don’t know where to begin.


You know you could be leading from overflow...

But you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and distracted by all the options.

Imagine being able to:
  • Gain a refreshed vision of true spiritual leadership
  • Learn the dynamics of healthy community 
  • Grow your spiritual practices toolbox
  • Coach others with the heart of a spiritual director 
  • Plan events from a focused and contemplative heart
  • Practice the lost art of reflection & discernment
Become a leader who cares for souls—beginning with your own.
  • Move at the pace of grace

  • Grow at the pace of transformation

  • Lead at the pace of Jesus

PACE is unique in that we will not only teach you WHAT TO DO, but IN WHAT SPIRIT to do it.

Many cohort programs help a leader with their personal spiritual formation. Others teach leadership skills.

PACE combines the best of both--spiritual formation AND leadership. 

We teach leaders how to live and lead formationally no matter their role.

We provide a holistic vision for leadership, mentored training/coaching, and supporting practices and skills. 


By the end of this process, you'll be able to:

  • Practice the patterns of an unhurried leader
  • Lead and teach for transformation, not merely information
  • Be more coach-like with individuals and small groups
  • Embody presence and holy listening
  • Notice, discern and respond to your own thoughts & feelings
  • Craft and ask powerful, formational questions

  • Foster spiritual hospitality
  • Prepare yourself to lead spiritually
  • Craft a transformative 1- to 4-day retreat for others
  • Foster humility as a leadership essential
  • Develop relational, spiritual, and formational leadership meetings
  • And more…
Here's What You're Going to Get:

Nine PACE gatherings

(5 in person, 4 via zoom) over the course of 21 months.

Five in-person retreats

Located at a beautiful retreat center in Malibu, CA or a historic monastery in Oceanside, CA. Lodging and meals are included.

 Four Zoom Gatherings

We'll build community and follow up on final project.

Nine PACE gatherings

(5 in person, 4 via zoom) over the course of 21 months.

Training by Seasoned Leaders and Mentors

Alan & Gem Fadling

You will learn how to facilitate processes for groups of any size. Not only what to do, but how to be.

Online Group Coaching Sessions in between in-person retreats
A learning community of like-hearted leaders, encouraging and supporting you in your journey.
Main teaching tracks include:
  • Learning in community
  • Spiritual practices
  • Soul care coaching
  • Spiritual leadership
  • Contemplative planning
  • Reflection and discernment

PACE 1: Southern California (Full)



May Zoom (May 9, 4:00pm-6:00p Pacific Time)

June 17-20 Retreat

October 14-17 Retreat


February 24-27 Retreat

June 9-12 Retreat

October 13-16 Retreat

November Zoom (Nov. 13, 12-2pm PT)

December Zoom (Dec. 11, 12-2pm PT)

January (2026) Zoom (Jan. 8, 12-2pm PT)

PACE 2: East Coast (Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, NC)


October Zoom (Date TBD)

November 3-6 Retreat


February 23-26 Retreat

June 15-18 Retreat

October 26-29 Retreat


February 15-18 Retreat

March Zoom (Date TBD)

April Zoom (Date TBD)

May Zoom (Date TBD)

Are you ready to invest in your capacity as a leader who cares well for the souls of others?
You receive all of this mentoring and training for an investment of:


5 payments of $1,550 due 30 days before each retreat. Investment* includes training, coaching, worksheets, retreat, lodging and meals.


Email us and we can schedule a time to share more about how this program will take your leadership to the next level.


*Additional fees and investment:

  • One-time $50 non-refundable registration fee to apply.
  • Six months receiving spiritual direction with a Christian spiritual director of your choice (pricing varies). 
  • Books and other resources.
Meet Alan & Gem Fadling

Your Soul Care Coaches & Spiritual Leadership Mentors


We’re both faced with the same challenges as you. We’ve often felt trapped by the overwhelming pace of the culture that surrounds us. We’ve struggled with anxiety in the face of what sometimes feels like a never-ending to do list. 

 Thankfully, over the years we’ve learned by experience that living an unhurried life is possible and that it bears better fruit than hurry ever has. 

 Caring well for our own souls, in relationship with God, has led to greater peace, more presence and an enriched focus on our growing spiritual influence. We want to share with you the wisdom we’ve learned. 


We are both trained Spiritual Directors. Gem is a certified Life Coach. Alan has an MDiv. We both have more than 30 years of experience in the spiritual formation stream. 

In 2016, we founded Unhurried Living, where we train Christian leaders to rest deeper, live fuller and lead better. We both host podcasts (Alan hosts The Unhurried Living Podcast. Gem hosts I Can Do That!). 

Between us, we’ve written five books published by InterVarsity Press which will serve as the training library for PACE. 

We hope to have you join us for this 21-month life-changing experience.

PACE is a perfect fit for you if you want to grow as a leader who cares well for the souls of others.

Wouldn’t it be encouraging to live and lead more at the unhurried pace of Jesus? 


Wouldn’t it make a difference to grow in his peaceful, joyful, compassionate way of relating to his work and to others? 


Whether caring for the souls of others is a major part of your actual work, or you want to deepen your experience of caring for the souls of others in your everyday life, PACE is for you. 



PACE is perfect for you if...

  • You want to engage in life-giving spiritual practices that help you grow in your relationship with God. 
  • You want to grow in spiritual leadership perspectives and skills. 
  • You are tired of being overwhelmed and you want to cultivate healthy rhythms of life and leadership.
  • You are hungry to be part of a community of like-hearted men and women.
There has never been a better time to give focused attention on your own spiritual life so you can help others do the same.


Unhurried doesn’t mean we don’t take action.

Don’t let more time pass before you begin to prioritize your own soul care and learn how to lead in the care of others’ souls. 

It’s time to step off the treadmill, to stop succumbing to the time urgency of our culture, and to make the important decision to learn to live from the inside out.

Learn the gracious pace of Christ and how to guide others into this life-giving way. 

Let us walk alongside you as you learn to live and lead in the fruitfully unhurried way of Jesus. 

You have questions. Here are our responses...

Apply for PACE today. 

It could be the beginning of an exciting, joyful next season of your life and leadership.

I'm ready!