
Podcast 69: Simplicity: Decluttering Your Life

clutter joy podcast simplicity simplify unhurried Feb 24, 2019

Turn on social media and Marie Kondo is everywhere teaching people how to "declutter" to simplify their lives.

We can’t help ourselves. We are going to join the conversation on Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. If you haven’t seen the Netflix show or read the book, that’s ok. We’re going pass through the subject on our way to a deeper dive into why we’re tempted to cling to things and how letting go can help our souls.

Marie isn’t teaching this directly, but I’m seeing people sink down further into these two questions:

What do I really need?
What do I really want?

Most people live on such a surface level, purchasing items without thought. They collect “stuff” until they are overwhelmed not only outwardly, but inwardly. Pruning thoughtfully, one piece at a time, helps people dip down into the deeper place of true desire. And the term “spark joy” is one way to go there.

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