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A Personal Season of Loss
Hope is a deep and strong dynamic. I believe that deep down, we all have access to this gift. However, for many of us, it gets buried underneath the hard knocks of life. And yet hope gets uncovered, over time, as we...
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Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Today, on the I Can Do That Podcast, we are talking about love. I realize it’s pretty audacious to think I can discuss this subject in a 10-minute podcast. Let me assure you, I am in no way covering the depths of...
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How to Become More Curious
I’d like to propose an idea right up front here. Can we acknowledge that 100% of the time we do not know 100% of the story? I know this may be jarring to some of us. I, personally, like to think that I always know...
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Transition: Loving What Is
If you could see me right now you would notice that my hair is at least four different colors. I tried easing into my grey hair last year about three months into the pandemic. “This is the perfect time,” I thought....
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Overwhelm & Resilience
Picture this. I’m in Hawaii enjoying some wave jumping near the shoreline. It’s all going fine until a sudden, rogue wave comes in behind me and sends me into a spin. Arms and legs are now flying and my prescription...
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I Don't Have Time for This
“I don’t have time for this!” I gritted my teeth and barked at my then 5-year-old son. I was in a hurry to get somewhere and my son had forgotten his shoes in the house. He ran to get them as I fumed. As I pulled...
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Three Dynamics to Aid Change
In our book, What Does Your Soul Love?, in addition to the 8 powerful questions, I offer a Process for Transformation, nine simple dynamics for change. Today I want to talk about the first three dynamics that make up...
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I Can Do That!
Welcome to the first episode of ICDT! I’m glad you’re leaning in right from the beginning! I’m looking forward to growing together!The energy that gave birth to this podcast really emerged from my own need for keeping...
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Introducing I Can Do That! with spiritual formation coach and author, Gem Fadling. As a founding partner of Unhurried Living and with 30 years’ experience in spiritual formation, Gem helps people grow by combining...
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