
Training leaders to follow Jesusโ€™ unhurried way of life and leadership

Alan serves as a frequent speaker, consultant and retreat leader with local churches and national organizations such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Halftime Institute, Apprentice Institute, Saddleback Church, and Open Doors International. He speaks from the intersection of spiritual formation and leadership, with content that is approachable, usable and transferable.


Alan speaks from his award-winning book, An Unhurried Life, about unhurried life with God, in community, in leadership development, in solitude, silence and prayer, and in doing the hard work of continued growth. From his book, An Unhurried Leader, he speaks on leading from overflow, working and leading with God, grace-empowered leadership, and leadership vision. He addresses the intersection between personal spiritual formation and fruitful leadership engagement. People leave these gatherings inspired, encouraged and energized for their life and work with God.

Team Training

Gather leaders from every level of your organization for a day or more of training. Alan blends teaching, personal discovery, small group interaction, and large group debriefing to create a dynamic learning environment. Leaders experience a vision for a less anxious and more hopeful, trusting way of working with Jesus in their areas of responsibility. Alan trains groups of 20 to 200 or more leaders with organizations across the country and around the world.


Alan consults with groups of leaders to provide training in a way of planning, strategizing and leading that is well-rooted in deep intimacy with God. Incorporate a “seek the kingdom first” approach to leadership. Learn to plan events from a center of listening to God and seeing people through His eyes. Learning these patterns contributes to the sustainability of your leadership, and can produce “much fruit that lasts (Jn 15:16).” Consultations can be one-time or ongoing. Leaders have reported leaving these consultations more united, creative, rested, encouraged and energized for their work ahead.

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Group Coaching

A few times a year, Alan Fadling offers  Coaching Groups of eight to ten leaders who join him for a three-month online journey learning together to do better work with less hurry. This is a deep dive into one of Alan’s books. Take initiative in this new schedule and season to establish healthy rhythms of unhurried life and leadership.

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Alan Fadling on a couch

Individual Coaching

Alan offers coaching to focus individual attention on issues of personal spiritual and leadership formation. He has served as a sabbatical coach to many. He brings decades of leadership experience to those he coaches. His coaching combines the essence of a spiritual director and the practicality of a leadership formation coach. Alan can help you get unstuck and find your unhurried and fruitful way forward in leadership and ministry.

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Alan Fadling's Books

Alan's Writing

Alan is the award-winning author of An Unhurried Life, An Unhurried Leader, A Year of Slowing Down, as well as of What Does Your Soul Love? (with Gem). Alan is currently working on a book on living without anxiety (to be published by InterVarsity Press in late 2023).

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