
Our Associates 

We're here to support you on your journey

You offer your support, leadership, and guidance to so many. And we know it's getting more and more difficult to withstand the pressures of our current culture. Anxiety, depression, and overwhelm are at an all time high.

We are here to support you in your relationship with God, with others and in your work.

Each of our associates is a mature Christian leader who has earned their title by degree, extensive experience, rigorous certification or training. Our Associates are mature pastors, spiritual directors or life coaches, who can journey alongside you in your current context.

While any of our Associates can journey with you in general, we've also listed a few areas in which they have particular expertise.

Review their profiles to learn more. Connect directly with them to schedule a free 20-minute discernment consultation.

Jodie Niznik


Jodie Niznik is a seminary-trained and ordained lover of God’s Word and people. She served in pastoral ministry at a large church for over twelve years, including as Women’s Pastor, Adult Ministries Pastor and Executive Pastor. She now helps people create space for God through her Scripture meditation podcast and Real People, Real Faith Bible studies. You can connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, or at

Can help with: Pastoral leadership, pastoral coaching (especially female leadership), pastoral counseling, content creation: bible study writing, podcasting

Email Jodie

Matt Fogle

Spiritual Director, Pastor

Matt is a trained Spiritual Director through Sustainable Faith’s two-year journey. He also has two Master’s degrees in Organizational Leadership and in Spiritual Formation. For over ten years Matt has been a pastor as well as a speaker and retreat facilitator. He has worked with multiple non-profits in the areas of leadership development and spiritual formation. You can connect with Matt on LinkedIn or at 

Can help with: Spiritual Leadership, Ignatian Exercises, Pastoral & Missionary Care

Email Matt

Brenda Renderos

Transformation Life Coach

Brenda Renderos is a transformation life coach (ICF Approved) and holds a B.A. in Christian Studies. She has served and been employed in various areas of ministry in leadership, soul care, speaking and teaching as well as guiding interns exploring vocational ministry. Brenda has led spiritual retreats, provided soul care workshops, and has trained small group and global outreach leaders. Her life mission is to partner with people finding greater life balance and holistic health. Find Brenda online and follow her on Instagram.

Can help with: Women in leadership, racial justice, ethnic identity, young adults, marriage & relationships, ministry burnout, church hurt.

Email Brenda

Tim Bathurst

Spiritual Director, Pastor

Tim is a Pastor and trained Spiritual Director. He has worked in Urban Ministry in Philadelphia, PA for over 30 years. He currently serves as Pastor of Spiritual Formation at New Life Philly, a multi-cultural church in the city. In recent years, Tim has devoted more time to one of his great passions, Spiritual Direction. He was trained as a Director through The Sisters of Mercy, who emphasize service to marginalized groups.

Can help with: Spiritual Formation, personal retreats, church revitalization, leadership training (especially with Associate Pastors), pastoral counseling, church hurt, individual and group discernment.

Email Tim

Larissa Marks

Spiritual Director

Larissa Marks is a trained Spiritual Director and Formation Coach who creates space for people to listen to and experience God. She facilitates group learning experiences including work with non-profit organizations, businesses, land stewardship, learning communities working toward shalom and justice, and faith gatherings in homes and neighborhoods. You can find out more about Larissa's work here and follow her on Instagram.

Can help with: Embodied and holistic spirituality, Enneagram, integrating faith with one's unique identity, ministry and leadership, imagination and creativity, cultivating relationship with creation and Creator.

Email Larissa

John Freeman

Spiritual Director, Pastor

John is a trained Spiritual Director and ordained pastor. He completed his MDIV in pastoral leadership from Columbia International University then served 12 years as a youth pastor. He now works under a community-funded non-profit ( and continues to offer this special form of soul care. John completed Dr. Larry Crabb’s (New Way Ministries) Certificate of Spiritual Direction then sharped his skills with a second certificate program in the Phoenix Center for Spiritual Direction with Teresa Blyth.

Can help with: Experiencing God in ordinary life, pastoral leadership and discernment, parenting struggles, church hurt, sabbatical planning, meditating on the Scriptures and nurturing a holy imagination.

Email John

Grace Cabalka

Spiritual Director

Grace Cabalka is a trained Spiritual Director and a certified enneagram coach. Grace has over two decades of experience in church ministry, as well as local and global missions. She now focuses on helping people tend to the abiding formation of their own souls so they can overflow the love of God from their authentic selves. 

Can help with: Ministry leaders and partners, ministry burnout, church hurt, adoptive & foster families, relationships with adult children 

Email Grace


“As a holy listener …. I have to put myself out of the way, to become humble in the true sense of knowing my place in the order of God’s creation …. above, all, I must be reverent, for I am entrusted with something precious and tender.” (Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening)

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