
UL #310: The Surprising Power of Curiosity (Gem)

curiosity curious empowering podcast wonder Sep 30, 2024

Here’s a sobering idea: It is impossible to know and understand 100% of a situation. Now, I know that may sound a bit jarring for some of us. Personally, I like to believe I always have a handle on exactly what’s going on. I’m a master mind-reader, and an excellent future-predictor—or at least I’d like to think so! Of course, I’m speaking tongue-in-cheek here.


In truth, I don’t know the future and no one has complete knowledge of any situation. Once I settle into that reality, something beautiful begins to happen: curiosity emerges. And curiosity leads me to ask better questions, which broadens my perspective and deepens my understanding.


The small phrase "I Wonder..." is the core of what we're talking about today.