
Podcast 38: Copying a True Master - The Essence of Apprenticeship

an unhurried living apprentice art jesus master podcast Mar 11, 2018

A visit to a museum provides the backdrop for a conversation on what it means to be an apprentice to a master.

We made our way through quite a few rooms of the Hermitage. The interiors were jaw dropping, the paintings gorgeous. And, as Alan said, he had been there before, so he knew when we were nearing the original painting we were most looking forward to seeing, which was Rembrandt’s Prodigal Son. He gave me a brief warning as we turned the corner, “Get ready.” We rounded the corner and entered the room completely devoted to Rembrandt’s paintings. There it was, on its own wall, as we walked through the doorway. The original. Breathtaking. I waited a bit for the crowd to clear so I could get a close-up view for myself. A masterful work of art, depicting essential truths: The Father is waiting. He never gives up. He loves me. He is generous.

Join Gem and Alan as they share their experience of being in a room full of Remrandts.

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