A spiritual practice using contemplative imagery.
A creative process for spiritual growth
We live in a visual culture. Inviso enables you to engage with God through prayerful imagery.
Inviso combines beautiful photography and thoughtful reflection questions.
Engage with God in a fresh and inspiring way.
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Personal Use
Use Inviso for soulful reflection, meditative prayer or as a journal starter.

Group Use
Inviso can inspire creative and thoughtful sharing in small groups or leadership teams.

Professional Use
Spiritual Directors, Coaches, Therapists, & Pastors can use Inviso to open up deeper soul conversations.

Your Inviso Set Includes

- 20 art quality, UV coated image cards. (Print edition only)
- 3 Reflection questions on the back of each card. (Total of 60 questions).
- Instructions with ideas for personal, professional and group use. (Ebook includes personal only).

There are currently two sets of Inviso. One is the original set of 20 beautiful images. The second contains 20 new images from the Holy Land of Israel. Collect both sets today!
Inviso Holy Land
- 20 art quality, UV coated image cards. (Print edition only)
- 3 Reflection questions on the back of each card. (Total of 60 questions).
- Instructions with ideas for personal, professional and group use. (Ebook includes personal only).

Inviso Original
- 20 art quality, UV coated image cards. (Print edition only)
- 3 Reflection questions on the back of each card. (Total of 60 questions).
- Instructions with ideas for personal, professional and group use. (Ebook includes personal only).
A soulful way to pray. Purchase your set today. (If you are outside the USA, please purchase the Ebook. We do not ship internationally.)
A personal note from Gem...
Thank you for your interest in Inviso!
Inviso is a Latin term meaning “look at.” Similar to Visio Divina, this practice is an invitation to pause, slow down a bit inside, and linger with an image. Imagery can evoke deeper understanding through meaningful metaphors, enabling a more personal connection to the subject. Through images we may discover meanings that go beyond mere intellect. Images may awaken feelings that we haven’t yet processed.
These images are more than mere photographs. Many years ago, I entered a season of my life when everything seemed foggy and dark. This was when I picked up my camera and took it everywhere. My camera was my lifeline to connecting with God and the world.
I was obsessed with light, location, and creation. That little viewfinder was my window into the world. I would use one eye to peer through it and decide what to focus on. It was a wonderful way to find beauty in a season of darkness.
I didn’t fully realize it at the time, but photography became my primary language for that season. I couldn’t express myself with words, so I expressed myself through imagery. It was a time of learning to practice presence—to be in the moment and to focus on small and sometimes seemingly insignificant subjects.
All of the photos that I took during that season are now so precious to me. They were my lifeline to the rest of the world. The feeling of seeing the light and making an image was unlike anything else. I had tapped into a place that felt like me…just me.
I always felt God’s presence in those times of quiet, camera in hand. It was more than just a sensed presence, it was a knowing.
I had been encountering God’s presence in this way for many years through solitude, and contemplative photography became another layer of that experience. One without words. Just with-ness, here-ness, seeing, capturing. Glorious presence.
One of the greatest gifts photography has given me is the ability to see. Seeing takes time. You can’t see something clearly when you are in a hurry. That’s why my photography walks were so precious. Everything happened at walking pace, which I believe is the pace of the soul. The soul doesn’t do well on the racetrack. But it does beautifully on the mountain trail or the garden path.
Inviso is a tool that invites you to an inward place, giving you something to ponder. You may even stumble upon something happening within yourself that you didn’t know was there until you saw a particular image.
My desire is that these images will stir things in your soul that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. It is here that the seeds of transformation can grow.
Gem Fadling